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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

It is essential for us that authors write and prepare their manuscripts according to the instructions and specifications listed below. The length and effectiveness of the peer review process will depend upon the care used by authors in preparing their manuscripts. Therefore, contributors are strongly encouraged to read these instructions carefully before preparing a manuscript for submission, and to check the manuscript for conformance before submitting it for publication.

Manuscripts considered for publication in Organizacija are those which:

1. Contain original work - which is not published elsewhere in any medium by the authors or anyone else and is not under consideration for publication in any other medium.

2. Are focused on the core aims and scope of the journal - Organizacija is open to contributions of high quality, from any perspective relevant to the organizational phenomena.

3. Are clearly and correctly written - should contain all essential features of a complete scientific paper, should be written in a clear, easy to understand manner and be readable for a wide audience.

4. Are written in English - should be clearly and grammatically written, in an easily readable style. Attention to detail of the language will avoid severe misunderstandings which might lead to rejection of the paper. Correct language is the responsibility of the authors. Papers can be written either in American or in British (-ize) spelling style consistently throughout your manuscript.

Organization of the manuscript:

Chapters and subchapters must be numbered (1., 1.1, …2, …). Pages should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript. Maximum length of an article is 10,000 words, inclusive of the abstract, tables, references, figure captions and footnotes. Article should be submitted in MS Word format.

Paper elements:

1. Title page including:

1.2 Title

We suggest the title should be as short, informative and comprehensible for a broad scientific audience as possible. If a long title is necessary, please prepare an optional short title. It should not contain non-standard acronyms or abbreviations.

1.2. Name(s) of author(s)

We need full first name, initial(s) for middle name(s) and full last name. Give the names of all contributing authors on the title page exactly as you wish them to appear in the published article.

1.3. Name and address of workplace(s)

List the affiliation of each author: organization (e.g. university), department (e.g. school), city, country).

1.4. Personal e-mail address(es)

At least one e-mail address is needed. It will be used as the corresponding author's email address in all contacts with the authors.

2. Abstract

An abstract should give concise information about the of the core idea of your paper and clearly describe the major findings reported in the manuscript. It should be informative and not only present the general scope of the paper but also indicate the main results and conclusions. An abstract should be structured in four paragraphs: Background/Purpose, Methods, Results and Conclusion, and should not exceed 200 words. It should not contain literature citations or allusions to the tables or figures. All non-standard symbols and abbreviations should be defined.

Please consider:

-          Online systems rely heavily on the content of titles and abstracts to identify articles in electronic bibliographic databases and search engines.

-          Potential reviewers may reject to evaluate a paper or reject the paper if the abstract doesn’t provide a clear, easy to read and concise information what the article is about and what are the results.

-          Be careful how you start the abstract. In particular the first sentence “grabs” the attention of the reader, or discourages him/her from reading the rest. Therefore don’t start the abstract with general rhetoric which tells little or nothing about the research reported in the article.

3. Key words

List of key words (not more than 7) proposed by the authors, separated by semicolons.

4. Text

General rules for writing:

- Use simple and declarative sentences; avoid long sentences, in which the meaning may be lost by complicated construction;

- Be concise, avoid idle words;

- Make your argumentation complete; use commonly understood terms; define all non-standard symbols and abbreviations when you introduce them;

- Explain all acronyms and abbreviations when they first appear in the text;

- Footnotes can be used for short remarks or notes; avoid footnotes where possible.


Structure of a paper

Research papers and review articles should follow a strict structure following typical requirements for scientific publications. See details e.g. at: or search the internet using keywords IMRAD format

4.1 Introduction

Introduction indicates the scope of the subject and presents the purpose of the studies reported. Introduction should clearly show the studies reported relationship to earlier work in the field, while avoiding being an extensive review of the literature.

-          Briefly present/ define the topic (subject, problem ...) investigated in the article and place it into a wider context with other research related to the subject area addressed by the article (and indicated by the title of the article), usually with help of a few citations/summaries from appropriate key references.

-          Introduction must provide a rationale (motivation) for your study: why is necessary, worth, to invest research effort into studying a topic that is indicated by the title of the article? What gap of knowledge will you try to fill, or what controversy or inconsistency will you try to resolve? What is missing from our understanding and why is it important?

-          If appropriate, you may explain the rationale more in detail at the end of the literature review, before presenting research questions.

-          Clearly state the aim (goal, purpose …) of the study and present the research question(s).

-          If appropriate you can present research questions after (or exceptionally within) the literature review, before hypotheses (where applicable).

-          If appropriate you can place research questions and hypotheses, together with their rationales, into a separate chapter or subchapter, after the literature review.

-          If and where necessary, define key terms, concepts, notions … used in the article.

Literature review (a part of the introduction, usually a separate chapter) is a systematic account of past research, related to your topic of interest.

-          It is not enough to cite and summarize from others‘ work; the review should also an evaluation and comparison

-          Literature review must be based primarily on recently published (last three years) research papers from peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings.

-          You can refer to older publications, but limit the citations to seminal (key, most important) works related to the topic of your article

-          Avoid citing textbooks and textbook like sources (they are good to refer to definitions, descriptions, statistical methods, … but they do not report on recent research)

-          Avoid citing sources that are unrelated or only loosely related to the topic addressed in the article.

-          Literature review points at „grey zones“, aspects and areas where current results are incomplete

-          Literature review represents a theoretical background of the research.

Consider the possibility to present the core of the literature review in tabular format. See examples of different formats, e.g. at or


4.2 Methods

The methods section for a scientific study needs to emphasise rigour and reproducibility. In general, methodology should be presented enough in detail, so that the study could be replicated within the same or another population or environment.

In empirical and experimental papers the research approach must be clearly presented, including what data was collected, how it was collected and how variables (dimensions, constructs, …) used in statistical tests were measured.

In theoretical papers comprising the computational analysis, technical details such as the computational methods, and models applied or newly developed models should be provided to enable readers to reproduce the calculations.

4.3 Results

Results are central part of an article. Provide the results in a logical way – usually in the order of the hypotheses or research questions.

-          Results presented in tables or figures need not be repeated in text.

-          Highlight, comment important results.

-          Take under consideration that Result section should not consists of an extensive interpretation of the results, which is reserved for discussion, while you can add explanations that may help the reader to understand the results properly or add some specific observations which not evident from the data at the first glance.

-          Tables (with concise explanatory captions) and figures (with concise explanatory subtitles) should be placed within the text at the appropriate points. Readers should be able to interpret a table without reference to the text.

4.4 Discussion

Discuss all important elements of your scientific findings. The Discussion should be focused on the interpretation of the results, their implications and significance, avoiding a repetition of the Results section. In the discussion section authors should clearly highlight the contribution of the paper to the literature.

-          In the beginning, you may briefly summarize main results if appropriate, but take under consideration that discussion is not a summary of the results.

-          Provide the response to the research question(s)

-          Interpret results taking into account alternative explanations - where applicable

-          What are the practical and theoretical implications suggested by the results of your research?

-          Include all limitations: this does not weaken your study, but adds to your credibility

-          Future directions for research (incompletely answered questions) often derived from limitations.

-          New questions which emerge from your research

-          Be careful not to “go beyond” your data and results, in particular if the focus of your study is narrow

-          You can “suggest”, „recommend“ or even “guess” in the discussion, but it must be clearly evident what is derived from a result and what is your suggestion, comment or guess.

-          You may include a comparison with results of other similar/ compatible studies – if and where applicable.

Conclusion is the last part of the discussion or a separate chapter:

-          You may briefly summarize main results (if you haven‘t done this in the discussion), but again keep in mind that conclusion is not a summary of the results.

-          Bring the reader back to the research question – concluding with a larger and richer view of the problem/ question under investigation

-          Authors may add their own opinion and a broader comment of the results, add their proposals, suggestions, recommendations, and evaluations, based on the results of the study - if appropriate as a separate chapter or subchapter.

In the Discussion/Conclusion, avoid citing references, except for comparison or alignment with the outcome of other, similar or comparable) studies. But you can refer to results, figures, tables, (sub)chapters, hypotheses  in your article.

4.5 Acknowledgements

Please supply all details required by your funding and grant-awarding bodies as follows:

This work was supported by the [Funding Agency] under Grant [number xxxx].

4.6 References

A complete reference should give the reader enough information to find the relevant article. Please pay particular attention to spelling, capitalization and punctuation here. Completeness of references is the responsibility of the authors. Reference list must conform to the APA style. Please see e.g. for details, or search the internet using keywords such as APA style basics. Use the British Standard 2979 for transliteration of Cyrillic characters. A recommended maximum number of references for an empirical article is 50.

5. Short biographical note – (only in the final, revised and accepted paper) for each of the authors (not more than 80 words). See biographical notes that have been published in Organizacija at the end of each article. Include ORCID for each author when available.

6. Appendices (as appropriate).

Other hints

-          Authors must also enclose a written statement that the paper is original unpublished work, and not under consideration or publication elsewhere. On publication, copyright for the paper shall pass to Organizacija. In all later publications, Organizacija must be stated as a source.

-          All lettering and figure elements should be large enough to be comfortably readable when figure or table has been reduced to fit journal page or column.

-          All figures and tables must be specifically referred in the text.

-          Each reference from the list must be cited in the text at least once, otherwise it must be removed from the list. The list must include all the references cited in the text.

-          Each article must be proofread by a language editor, an English native speaker or a language expert with comparable knowledge of English, before publication in Organizacija.

Manuscripts can be submitted via journal web site ( For further information and clarifications contact Organizacija's editorial office (

Address of the Editorial office:

University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Science
Kidričeva 55a
1000 Kranj, Slovenia


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