Evaluating Career Development Factors for Nurses and Midwives
Different profiles of health workers are employed there. In this study we have focused on nurses and midwives and their career planning. By studying the factors of career development (planning) we wanted to define their influence on career development of nurses and midwives.A survey in the form of a questionaire proved to be the most appropriate way of examining the impact which the career development factors have on nurses and midwives. Above all it is necessary to point out the inadequate organisation of personnel work and inefficient method of identifying the needs for career development of each individual nurse and midwife. First SPS Gynaecological Hospital will have to reorganise the personnel department in order to deal with the above mentioned problems. The task of the personnel department will not only be to do administrative work, as it has been so far, but also to be responsible for career planning or developing. On the base of built model we could say that annual discussions are the most suitable way of identifying the needs for career planning of each individual nurse or midwifeDownloads