The Systematical and Organizational Model of the Permanent Professional Education for Defectologists


  • Franc Marjan Kolenec Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo, Poljanska cesta 28, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija


In the following contribution the results of the doctor’s degree about the retentions of special educators are shown. The basic purpose of the doctor's degree was to establish the influence of a well prepared special educators' retention programme. The value of particular contents and methods of working was extremely important because of the active inclusion and participation of special educators in the educational process. The special educators are aware of what they should understand and learn through their studies and what to gain during their retention. The results of this research have made the perfection of retention possible to such an extent it has been raised to a level that will enable a proper conduct in praxis. Key Words: System, organisation, basis, retention, special education – special educator, special needs, child, the youth, education.





Research Papers