Impact of the Information System on the Growth and Development of the Organisation


  • Mitja Cerovšek TPV trženje in proizvodnja opreme vozil d.d., Kandijska cesta 60, 8000 Novo mesto


At the time and under the conditions of uncertain business future, reflections on the quality of control of our actions have been reconsolidating which can be widely illustrated by the quality of business process management. The key questions the persons responsible for information system have to answer properly are the following: what should the information system do and how should the wider information environment function to maximize their impact on the achievement of agreed goals? Search for proper levers which would help us push the wheels of the business environment for a better and more efficient functioning lies hidden first of all in the principles of use of information and communication technology and in the understand­ing of integration of information system goals and company's goals. The second part of the answer needs to be looked for in a wide view of the process of business reengineering, called business process management. The third pillar of levers the information system can erect and highlight as its contribution to the growth and development of organisation is based on inte­gration and development of employees who (awareness, empowered and motivated) represent an essential force for growth and development of organisation.




