Efforts to promote e-literacy
It is stressed in the Strategy of the development of the Republic Slovenia that there should be a more efficient consistency to pose among the market efficiency and a social responsibility of a modern state. It is to underline the development of information communication technology, ICT, and its meaning for economy which enables Slovenia to use potentials efficiently. Among basic there is to stress high investments in education and training to use ICT: ICT enables good quality of education and skills, but also it enables to activate all potentials that without ICT use would never be used. It is important that ICT also promotes adaptability to be competitive in globalization processes; it is also very supportative to access of life-long-learning. All exposed is of very specific meaning: it brings to values as employment, social inclusion, cohesion and social cohesion. That is why it is very important a quality of e-education and training, how to use e-skills way to bring to competitiveness all subjects and on all levels. Efforts to improve e-literacy are great and they are on all levels – EU, the level of state, sectors, projects and individuals. There are efforts to get resources to promote e-learning and e-skills as we are within the processes of Lisbon strategy and at the very beginning of the next financing perspective 2007-2013.Downloads
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