Do Managers have Enough Quality Information for Decision-Making


  • Tomaž Kramberger Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za logistiko Celje – Krško, Mariborska cesta 7, 3000 Celje
  • Bojan Rosi Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za logistiko Celje – Krško, Mariborska cesta 7, 3000 Celje


Modern complexity of management is associated with important decision making, confronting a great number of useless information. Selection of information – the choice of only quality, i.e. essential ones, is a big problem in managerial decisionmaking. Implementation of systemic approach i.e. systemic thinking can help dealing with it. It is known that decision-making based only on intuition is insufficient, especially nowadays, in the time of global business. Therefore, managers have to operate with adequate knowledge capital. It is synergetic composition of inborn talents, feelings, abilities as well as gained knowledge and experiences. DNT put this capital knowledge into function of management decisionmaking, thus easier and holistic information management needed for quality and efficient and successful problem solving. It enables managers to be creative, co-operative and interdisciplinary. It opens possibilities for combination of theory and practice in the decision making processes, as presented in our contribution. Quality, holistic management decision making, create competitive advantages. It can be proved by a practical example of decision making about preventive measures in the winter time (roads gritting and ploughing). Great importance of quality, timely and enough holistic information is presented with the model of Short Term Road Ice Prediction, which gives information for quality decision making





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