Contemporary Hotel Classification Systems and Quality in the Hotel Industry - International Benchmarking Study


  • Metod Šuligoj Grgar 165-i, 5252 Grgar, Slovenija


The research in the field of the hotel industry has been focused on the so-called technical quality, which comprises according to its characteristics the classification accommodation facilities. The author shows a diversity in classification systems globally and the reasons for it. Following a more detailed definition of the Slovene system, which is formal (however much less than it was before the adoption of the new classification regulation in 2008), there is also a benchmarking study of differences among national systems of Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland and Italy, all the countries considered tourist developed. Various essential organisational and conceptual differences have been identified which show through authorship and custody over the system, membership obligation, control and financing. A diversity among systems means a diversity of hotel products, which is advocated also by organisations such as UN WTO, IH-RA and HOTREC, influential international branch organisations. There are also presented trends connected to quality and classification, such as cessation of law regulation, cessation of administrative procedure, transfer of custodianship to professional organisations, etc. The conclusion emphasises (a) that copying classification systems among countries is not appropriate and useful, (b) that diversity of systems is welcome and (c) that without developed so-called functional quality also quality hotel products cannot be expected.




