The Role of State and Market in the Reasearch and Development


  • Metod Černetič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Kidričeva 55a, 4000 Kranj


sense. In the last ten years her average economic growth is 3,9%, while the growth of Baltic States in approximately 5, 5% per year, in Slovakia 4, 3 and in Poland 4.0% per year. Her growth was the most stable and socially endurable, because among all the counted countries it is the only one, whose degree of unemployment and poverty is lower of European average. It is unbelievable that almost 15 years after decline of statism system, the first think that we though about when thing go wrong is what state should do to, to solve the problem. The state should define priority branches and think about where to invest; even instead of firms and banks. State should - instead of free market - judge how many firm we need, in which area and who should handle this activity.The state should – instead of capital market – judge, which owner are suitable for which firm in who will be able to manage it. Common denominator of definition above is the question, how somebody imagine the role of a state in economy and society.There are no common agreement with definition of factors of economical growth and its meaning (human and natural resources, science, technology, innovation and management or enterprise). A fact is that successful firms are aware of meaning of technological changes, which are result of investment in science and applicable research. The special emphasis is on the industrial researches as a source of technological changes and development of business growth. Key words: innovation, technology and market, innovation environment





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