Computer Supported Examination and Assessment of Knowledge


  • Alenka Krapež Gimnazija Vič, Tržaška cesta 72, 1000 Ljubljana
  • Vladislav Rajkovič Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Kidričeva 55a, 4000 Kranj


The article presents holistic planning of learning process. It stresses the importance of knowledge examination, specially the importance of criteria and standards that enable an objective and understandable examination and assessment of knowledge. Further on the article presents the importance comprehension of educational purposes in order to plan a successful educational process. It describes how to choose operative aims and how to choose the criteria to establish the level of achieved operative aims and the conditions that the criteria should correspond to, so that they really make a contribution to a successful educational process.A case study is also presented. Operative aims and the computer model for student's project work evaluation are described. Key words: planning of educational process, operative goals, knowledge evaluation and assessment, criteria and measures, knowledge evaluation and assessment model





Research Papers