Coaching Implementation Into a Sale Process: Example Insurance Company


  • Boštjan Štempelj Šubičeva ulica 9, 1234 Mengeš,Slovenija


To find out and implement the system that provides inspection in the sale process is a hard job for insurance agents. It is necessary to ensure the system that provides higher production and motivates the agent to enlarge the sale. It happens many times that we can not find out the reason for an unsuccessful or inefficient sale.Agents perform their sale mostly as fieldwork and their main aim is to find new customers. The process of finding the new customers demands much effort and motivation. As a result insurance companies have started to introduce coaching into a sale process that is a special tool to improve productivity of the agents and to control the sale process. A sale manager in the role of a coach and an expert influences an agent. Coaching is a process that enables to follow an agent during selling and to find out some mistakes.A special form provides that the manager can record a conversation between a customer and an agent.When the sale process is finished, a resume must be done. Coaching is an instrument that provides a higher efficiency and systematic learning. Key words: coaching, coach, sale, process, motivation, qualification





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