Knowledge Management as a Distinct Research Domain


  • Samo Pavlin Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Center za proučevanje organizacij in človeških virov, Kardeljeva ploščad 1, 1000 Ljubljana,


This paper discusses the dilemma, whether it is meaningful to consider the knowledge management (KM) as a distinct (an independent) research domain or even as an autonomous academic discipline. The arguments are based primarily on the presentation of the domain and its links with the related disciplines, which gives the reader the opportunity to shape his own view on this issue. At the same time the clarification of this dilemma is required to direct and place further research and contributions to KM. In the introduction we present as a broader context the characteristics of the contemporary society of knowledge and two related theories, the New Growth Theory and the Resource Based Theory of the Firm. In the continuation we establish that that the KM can be found as an independent subject of study and even as an independent field of study. Based on these insights we define KM and we limit the domain of its study.We pay a special attention to the Noaka's theory of the Organisational knowledge creation as tow essential theoretic foundations. We establish the critical distance towards the KM as an autonomous academic discipline by means of Argyris theory of reasoning and rationalization. Key Words: Knowledge Management, Organisational Learning, Theory of Organisational Knowledge Creation.





Research Papers