Education Planning and Management of Changes


  • Metod Černetič UM FOV
  • Olga Dečman Dobrnjič Zavod RS za šolstvo


Planning of education as a separate activity was relatively lately introduced on universal area of economic and social planning. The need for planning education has increased heavily with a need for regulation of explosion of population in late forties in last century. It has been reinforced with a growth of consciousness of value of economical value of education. Nowadays the connection between planning of education and economical development is getting more and more attention, which leads to increasing need for planning of development. Different strategies with fixed aims were developed. Optimal educational structures of a »state« or national macroeconomic for future technological development can not be predict even today. Reason for that are different: technological, economical in social. Therefore so-called hauristical approach or model of human resource planning has been developed (Rus, 1979: 247, Černetič, 1999: 86). Four presumptions are established in this model: social goals, relative social circumstances, human resource potential and needs. Quantitative and qualitative study of relationship between those variables of heuretical approach is a dynamic approach. In this text the following questions will be address: of methods and scenarios of educational planning, assumptions and predictions of planning of education, research and normative prediction of educational planning, areas and dilemmas of planning of education and goals of organizations and management of changes. All this questions are deeply connected with inclusion of Slovenia in EU and with all the processes that are going on in EU. Above all this is a deductive approach to two important social documents: National program of development of higher education and National program of development of research activity.





Research Papers